Friday, July 7, 2023

Vivian Glozman's WILD Journey and Impactful Insight in Pickleball 🙌 🏓

The James Ignatowich Show EP24

Interview with Vivian Glozman: From Challenger to Premier League and Embracing the Fun in Pickleball

James Ignatowich: Welcome back to the podcast, everyone! I'm thrilled to have our guest today, Vivian Glozman. Now, Vivian, let me tell you, you have quite the presence. You exude confidence and dominance, like a true alpha female. Our listeners can attest to that.

Vivian Glozman: Thank you for having me again, James. It's exciting to be here.

James Ignatowich: Absolutely, Vivian. Now, for those who may not know, Vivian made it to the semi-finals of the Challenger League with the Breakers. But I've been hearing some rumors that this might be your last time in the Challenger League. People are saying you're making a move to the Premiere League in July. Is that true?

Vivian Glozman: I'm not sure where you're getting your information from, James, but I'm not ready to confirm anything just yet. I did have a good run in the Challenger League, but I'm keeping my expectations low and taking it one step at a time. There are a lot of talented players out there, so we'll see what happens on July 12th.

James Ignatowich: Fair enough, Vivian. Well, I must say, I had the pleasure of playing some practice points with you, and your skills are impressive. You have incredible power and lightning-fast hands. In my opinion, you have the potential to be a top-five player. But of course, timing is everything.

Vivian Glozman: Thank you for the compliment, James. I appreciate it. As I mentioned earlier, I'm trying to keep my expectations in check and just focus on enjoying the game. Pickleball has taught me that if you set your expectations too high, you can end up disappointed. So, I'm taking a different approach now and just having fun.

James Ignatowich: That's a great mindset to have, Vivian. And speaking of your recent performance, you were playing mixed doubles with Christian Alshon. How was that experience?

Vivian Glozman: Playing with Christian was a great experience. We had a lot of fun together, and surprisingly, we won all our matches until the end. It was a pleasant surprise, considering the competition and my initial low expectations. So, I can't complain.

James Ignatowich: That's impressive, Vivian. Winning most of your matches speaks volumes about your skills and adaptability. But let me ask, do you think you'll get drafted for the Premiere League?

Vivian Glozman: Honestly, I don't have high expectations about getting drafted. After my experience in the MLP Challenger League, I've learned that there are many talented players vying for limited spots. I'm keeping my expectations low so that I can be happy with any outcome. It's a tough competition out there.

James Ignatowich: Before we wrap up, Vivian, I want to touch on something you mentioned earlier. You talked about how you adjusted your expectations and started having more fun in pickleball after a tournament in Mesa where you felt disappointed. Could you tell us more about that experience and how it changed your perspective?

Vivian Glozman: Of course, James. That tournament in Mesa was my first-ever pickleball tournament, and I went into it with high expectations. I had no prior experience in the sport, but I had this idea in my head that I would excel and shine as the "star of Seattle." However, things didn't go as planned, and we ended up losing. I was devastated and found myself in tears.

James Ignatowich: That must have been tough, especially considering it was your first tournament. How did that experience shape your approach moving forward?

Vivian Glozman: It was definitely a wake-up call for me, James. I realized that I had set my expectations too high without truly understanding the game or having the necessary experience. Crying over a pickleball match was embarrassing, and it made me reflect on the importance of adjusting my expectations. I realized that I needed to embrace the learning process, have fun, and appreciate the journey rather than obsessing over outcomes.

James Ignatowich: That's a valuable lesson, Vivian. It's crucial to find a balance between setting goals and enjoying the game for what it is. Since that tournament, how has your mindset and approach to pickleball evolved?

Vivian Glozman: After that experience, I made a conscious effort to adjust my mindset. I decided to keep my expectations in check and focus on enjoying every moment on the court. I embraced the learning process, sought improvement, and tried to find joy in the game, regardless of the outcome. It's made a tremendous difference in my overall experience and has allowed me to approach each match with a positive attitude.

James Ignatowich: That's fantastic to hear, Vivian. It's evident that this change in mindset has had a positive impact on your performance and enjoyment of the sport. Thank you for sharing that personal journey with us.

Vivian Glozman: My pleasure, James. I hope that by sharing my experience, others can learn from it and find their own balance in the game. Pickleball is meant to be fun, and sometimes we need a reminder to appreciate the process rather than solely focusing on results.

Host (James Ignatowich): Now, Vivian, during your recent tournaments, I noticed that most of your dinks were going cross-court. Anna, a fellow player, even mentioned that you might need some guidance on mixing it up. Could you tell us more about that?

Vivian Glozman: Yes, James. Anna and I played together at North Carolina, and she provided me with some valuable feedback. One of the things she mentioned was the need to mix up my dinks. She even talked about it on her podcast, where she shared that she advised me to work on varying my shots. It was all in good fun, of course. But she's right; it's an area I've been working on.

James Ignatowich: It's great that you're open to feedback and actively working on improving your game. How has that process been for you?

Vivian Glozman: It's been a process of growth and learning. I've been consciously trying to incorporate different dinks into my game, including going down the line more often. I believe I've made some progress since my first tournament, but it's still a work in progress. At MLP San Clemente, I had the opportunity to practice my right-side play with both Christian and Eva, so that provided valuable practice as well.

James Ignatowich: Ah, so you're on your way to becoming a right-side specialist. That's exciting. I must admit, I didn't see many down-the-line dinks from you, but perhaps I missed them. Or maybe you hit them with your eyes closed, as you jokingly mentioned.

Vivian Glozman: (Laughs) It's possible. Sometimes shots happen so fast that it's hard to catch them all. But I assure you, I'm working on expanding my shot selection and incorporating more down-the-line dinks into my game. I did have a backhand down-the-line winner in the dream breaker, so it's definitely a shot I'm capable of executing.

James Ignatowich: Well, that's fantastic to hear, Vivian. Every point won counts, and it's great to see you continuing to develop your skills. Now, during the tournament, did you have the chance to play any mixed doubles with Pablo, or were you primarily partnered with Christian?

Vivian Glozman: Unfortunately, I didn't have the opportunity to play mixed doubles with Pablo. The decision was made to keep him and Eva together since they had played as a team in the previous events. So, I stepped in to replace Rachel on the right side for women's doubles and played with Christian on the right side for mixed doubles. Rachel was incredibly supportive and reached out to encourage me, but we definitely missed her presence on the court.

James Ignatowich: It's always important to have a supportive team, both on and off the court. It sounds like it was a fun and challenging experience for you. How did you feel about the overall tournament?

Vivian Glozman: I had a blast, James. It was a fun and competitive tournament. It was a privilege to be part of a great team and compete in the Super Final. I hope everyone else enjoyed it as much as I did. It's all about having fun and embracing the experience.

James Ignatowich: Absolutely, Vivian. Having fun should always be at the heart of the game. Now, Vivian, I have a burning question for you. Rumor has it that you might be making a move to Florida. Is there any truth to that?

Vivian Glozman: (Laughs) Well, James, I think there might be some confusion there. While Florida is known for its vibrant pickleball community and warm weather, I don't have any immediate plans to relocate. I'm based in Seattle and enjoying being a part of the pickleball scene here. But who knows what the future holds? For now, I'm focused on improving my game and making the most of my current opportunities.

James Ignatowich: Fair enough, Vivian. I guess we'll have to wait and see if Florida is in your future pickleball plans. Now, looking ahead, what are your goals and aspirations in the sport?

Vivian Glozman: My main goal is to continue growing as a player and challenging myself. I want to keep improving my skills, both technically and strategically. Ultimately, I aim to compete at the highest level possible and leave my mark on the pickleball community. Whether that's in the Challenger League, the Premiere League, or any other exciting opportunities that may come my way, I'm open to the possibilities.

Next Segment

James Ignatowich: I wanted to address something that our loyal listeners have been waiting for—the completion of the Susie story. The suspense has been killing them, so please, enlighten us!

Vivian Glozman: (Laughs) Absolutely, James. I apologize for leaving everyone hanging in the previous podcast. So, here's the full story. After you made a comment about me not needing a job and potentially becoming a stand-up comedian, it reminded me of a situation involving a girl named Susie. You see, a friend from the academy reached out to me asking why Susie didn't like me. I was baffled because I couldn't figure out what I had done to upset her. And then, the reason finally came to light. Susie's complaint was that I was never serious and she couldn't have a serious conversation with me. And that made me burst into laughter because I realized the reason she didn't like me was that I was too funny and not serious enough. It was a compliment in disguise, and it brought closure to the whole situation.

James Ignatowich: (Laughs) That's an unexpected twist, Vivian. It's fascinating how different perspectives can shape people's opinions. But you're absolutely right—being able to bring joy and laughter is a gift, and not everyone appreciates it. So, thank you for sharing that entertaining conclusion to the Susie story. I'm sure our listeners will appreciate the closure.

Vivian Glozman: You're welcome, James. I'm glad I could provide some closure, and I hope it brings a smile to everyone's faces. And to those who have been waiting for my stories, I apologize for the delay. I promise to be better about finishing them in the future. (Laughs)

James Ignatowich: No worries, Vivian. Tangents and stories are what make you uniquely you. Embrace it and keep those entertaining moments coming. Now, Vivian, let's address another topic that has been floating around—the possibility of you moving to Florida. Can you shed some light on that?

Vivian Glozman: (Laughs) Ah, the Florida rumors! Well, James, I have to admit that there might have been some confusion. I currently reside in Seattle, and while Florida is known for its thriving pickleball community, I don't have any immediate plans to relocate. However, I understand the appeal of moving to a place with more availability and opportunities to play. So, who knows what the future holds? For now, I'm focused on enjoying the game wherever I am.

James Ignatowich: Fair enough, Vivian. Sometimes rumors can take on a life of their own. But I'm glad we got the chance to clarify that. Now, I have some exciting news to share with our listeners. Vivian, if you haven't heard, has recently made a life-changing decision. Vivian, would you like to share it with everyone?

Vivian Glozman: (Laughs) Absolutely, James. Well, it's official—I am now a full-time pickleball player! This month marked the end of my working days, and I've committed myself entirely to pursuing my passion for pickleball. I had amazing support from my co-workers, who encouraged me to go after what makes me happy. So, I'm thrilled to embrace this new chapter in my life.

James Ignatowich: That's incredible news, Vivian! Congratulations on taking the leap and committing to your passion full-time. It's not an easy decision to make, but I have no doubt that you'll thrive and continue to make a mark in the pickleball world.

Vivian Glozman: Thank you, James. I appreciate the support. It's an exciting and slightly nerve-wracking step, but I'm ready to give it my all and see where this pickleball journey takes me.

James Ignatowich: We're all rooting for you, Vivian. Now, let's circle back to fan interaction. You mentioned the idea of getting the fans involved by asking for their questions and suggestions. I think that's a fantastic idea. It would give them a chance to be part of the podcast and engage with you. So, when the time comes, we'll definitely make sure to gather their input.

Vivian Glozman: Absolutely, James. I'm thrilled to hear that. I believe that engaging with fans and involving them in the conversation makes the podcast even more enjoyable and meaningful. So, I'm looking forward to hearing their questions and suggestions.


James Ignatowich: Who are your partners for the upcoming APP Newport Beach tournament?

Vivian Glozman: Ah, the Newport Beach tournament! I'm excited for it. For women's doubles, I'll be partnering with Alix Trong, and for mixed doubles, I'll be teaming up with Brendan Long. They're both fantastic players, so I'm really looking forward to competing with them. It's my goal to bring home my first medal, so it's an exciting opportunity for me.

James Ignatowich: That's fantastic, Vivian! Both Alix and Brendan are great partners to have, and I have no doubt that you'll form strong teams. Going for that first medal is an exciting goal, and I'm sure you'll give it your all.

Vivian Glozman: Thank you, James. I appreciate the encouragement. I'll definitely give it my best shot and see what happens. Fingers crossed!

James Ignatowich: Absolutely! Now, I noticed that you're currently at Jeff's house. It looks beautiful from what we can see outside. Can you tell us a little bit about your surroundings?

Vivian Glozman: (Laughs) Yes, I am indeed at Jeff's house, and it is a lovely place. I would love to give you a house tour, but that might be a bit invasive. However, I can show you the view outside where all the pros are playing. Let me try to position the camera... Can you see anything?

James Ignatowich: Well, Vivian, unfortunately, the lighting seems to have changed, and it's a bit dark now. But don't worry about it. We appreciate the effort to show us the surroundings. It's always great to get a glimpse of where the pickleball action is taking place.

Vivian Glozman: Oh no, the lighting changed? My apologies for that. It's a challenge when we're relying on technology for these visuals. But I'm glad I could at least attempt to show you what's happening outside. There are some fantastic players out there, including Hayden, Jesse, Rachel, Lacey, Zach Taylor, Shelby Bates, and more. It's always exciting to watch them in action.

James Ignatowich: Absolutely! The lineup sounds incredible. And speaking of players, I'm curious, do you have a preference between playing mixed doubles and women's doubles? Which event do you enjoy more?

Vivian Glozman: That's a great question, James. Right now, I find myself enjoying women's doubles more. In mixed doubles, I sometimes feel a bit lost on the right side. It's a different dynamic, and I'm still figuring out my role and how to excel in that setting. But in women's doubles, I feel more comfortable, and I thrive when the game speeds up. So, for now, women's doubles is where I find myself more at ease.

James Ignatowich: It's interesting to hear your perspective, Vivian. Finding your role and comfort level in each event is crucial, and it takes time to navigate those nuances. But it's great that you have a clear understanding of where you feel most comfortable and can excel. And if you ever need some tips or guidance in mixed doubles, don't hesitate to reach out to experienced players like Jesse Irvin. She's a fantastic player and coach who can offer valuable insights.

Vivian Glozman: Absolutely, James. I appreciate the suggestion. Jesse is a great player, and I'll definitely seek her advice to further improve my mixed doubles game. It's all about continuous learning and growing as a player.

James Ignatowich: Definitely, Vivian. And now, let's dive into a fascinating topic you brought up—swag. You mentioned Hayden as someone with an incredible level of swag. Do you ever wonder if you need to develop more swag or adopt a more assertive presence on the court?

Vivian Glozman: (Laughs) Oh, the swag factor! It's a funny thing to think about. I often question if I need to have more swag or be more assertive on the court. But I agree with you, James. Swag is something that comes naturally to some players, and it's not something you can force or learn. Hayden is one of those players who exudes swag effortlessly. As for me, I just focus on going out there, enjoying the game, and hitting my dinks. Swag or no swag, I'm just being myself.

James Ignatowich: Absolutely, Vivian. Being yourself is what makes you unique and enjoyable to watch. Swag may have its appeal, but authenticity and true enjoyment of the game are far more valuable. So, keep doing what you're doing, and let your skills and personality shine through.

Vivian Glozman: Thank you, James. I appreciate your support and understanding. It's all about embracing who we are and having fun on the court. And speaking of fun, I want to give a shoutout to my amazing teammates on the Breakers—Pablo, Christian Alshon, and Eva. They've been fantastic to work with, and I've enjoyed every moment with them.

Different Segment Endings

James Ignatowich: That's a fantastic mindset, Vivian. With your dedication and passion, I have no doubt you'll continue to achieve great things in pickleball. Now, as we wrap up this interview, is there anything else you'd like to share with our listeners?

Vivian Glozman: I just want to express my gratitude to everyone who has supported me on this pickleball journey. From my teammates and coaches to friends and fans, their encouragement means the world to me. Pickleball is a sport that brings people together, and I'm so grateful to be a part of this incredible community. And to anyone listening who is just starting their pickleball journey, my advice would be to have fun, stay open to learning, and never be afraid to challenge yourself.

James Ignatowich: Wise words, Vivian. Thank you for sharing your gratitude and words of wisdom.

Now, as we wrap up this podcast, is there anything else you'd like to share with our listeners?

Vivian Glozman: Absolutely, James. I want to express my gratitude to all the listeners and fans who have shown their support and engaged with the podcast. Your feedback and interaction mean the world to me. And James, I love your idea of involving the fans more, asking for their questions and suggestions. It's a great way to keep them involved and make the podcast even more enjoyable for everyone. So, stay tuned for more exciting episodes, and let's keep the pickleball community thriving!

James Ignatowich: Well said, Vivian. Thank you for being a fantastic guest and bringing your unique energy to the podcast. It's been an absolute pleasure having you here. We wish you continued success and happiness in all your pickleball adventures.

Vivian Glozman: Thank you, James. It's been a pleasure being here and sharing my experiences with you and the listeners. Keep up the great work with the podcast, and I'm looking forward to more exciting episodes.

James Ignatowich: Thank you, Vivian. And to all our listeners, thank you for joining us. We appreciate your support, and we hope you've enjoyed this entertaining and insightful conversation. Stay tuned for more amazing episodes. Take care, everyone, and keep smiling on and off the pickleball court!

James Ignatowich: Fantastic! I'm sure our listeners will appreciate the opportunity to have their voices heard. Thank you for suggesting it, Vivian. And thank you for staying with us for this bonus part of the interview. It's been an absolute pleasure chatting with you and uncovering more intriguing aspects of your journey.

Vivian Glozman: Thank you, James. It's been an unexpected but delightful extension of our conversation. I appreciate the opportunity to share more and connect with the listeners. Let's keep the pickleball excitement alive!

James Ignatowich: Absolutely, Vivian. Keep shining on and off the court. And to all our listeners, thank you for joining us. We hope you've enjoyed this extended interview with Vivian Glozman. Stay tuned for more exciting episodes of the podcast. Take care, everyone, and keep enjoying the wonderful world of pickleball!

Now, as we wrap up this extended interview, is there anything else you'd like to share with our listeners?

Vivian Glozman: Absolutely, James. First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to all the fans and listeners who have supported me and followed my journey. Your encouragement means the world to me, and I'm incredibly grateful for your continued support. I also want to encourage everyone to keep engaging with the podcast. Your questions and suggestions make the conversations even more exciting and meaningful. So, don't hesitate to reach out and share your thoughts.

James Ignatowich: Well said, Vivian. It's all about the fans and their involvement. Your passion for pickleball is infectious, and I'm sure the listeners appreciate your openness and authenticity. Thank you so much for being a part of this extended interview and for sharing your experiences and insights. It has been an absolute pleasure to have you on the podcast once again.

Vivian Glozman: Thank you, James. The pleasure is all mine. I've had a wonderful time chatting with you and sharing my journey in pickleball. I'm excited to see where the future takes me, and I hope to continue inspiring and entertaining the pickleball community. Thank you for having me.

James Ignatowich: The pleasure is truly ours, Vivian. We wish you all the best in your upcoming tournaments and your full-time pickleball journey. Keep shining on and off the court. And to all our listeners, thank you for joining us. Stay tuned for more exciting episodes of the podcast. Until next time, take care and keep enjoying the incredible sport of pickleball!

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