Thursday, January 25, 2024

Dinking With a Purpose - The Basics & Progressions | Connor Garnett


Mastering the Dink: An Instructional Guide to Effective Dinking in Pickleball

Techniques and Strategies for Maximizing Your Dinking Skills

As one of the most critical shots in pickleball, the dink can help you control the game by keeping the ball low and reducing your opponents' chances to attack. However, proper dinking technique is essential for consistency and effectiveness. In this comprehensive guide, professional pickleball player and coach Connor Garnett breaks down the fundamentals and strategies for optimizing your dinking skills.

With step-by-step instructions on grip, positioning, footwork, swing mechanics, and more, you'll gain the knowledge to take command of the kitchen line and apply targeted pressure on your opponents. Whether you're struggling with high, floating dinks or just want to sharpen your skills, this guide provides key techniques and drills to make dinking a core strength of your game. By committing these fundamentals to muscle memory and learning how to strategically dink to your advantage, you can quickly advance to the next level as a well-rounded, competitive player.

  1. Straight-Ahead Dinking (0:44)

Straight-ahead dinking focuses on hitting conservative dinks directly back at your opponent to keep the rally going. The keys are minimizing extraneous movement, keeping the paddle out in front of your body, and using a compact swing without overextending on reach shots.

  • Let your legs generate power rather than your arm so you retain control.
  • Float straight-ahead dinks at different heights, speeds, and angles to vary the placements. This forces your opponent to play defensively.
  • Use straight-ahead dinking to probe for weaknesses before attacking exposed openings crosscourt.
Mastering control with conservative straight dinks builds confidence to attempt more aggressive dink variations.

  1. Ready Position (1:32)

The ready position sets the foundation for smooth, controlled dinking.

  • With knees bent and feet shoulder-width apart, assume an athletic stance that keeps you balanced and mobile.
  • Hold the paddle out in front of your body at about hip height rather than down at your waist. This preps the paddle for quick reaction dinking without requiring long, slow backswings to generate power.
  • Keep your eyes focused forward on the incoming ball and resist the urge to stare down at the kitchen line.
  • Shuffling small adjustment steps allows you to align your feet and body behind the ball so you can drive forward through your dink swing.

  1. Compact Swing (1:58)

A compact, abbreviated dink swing prevents over hitting and keeps the ball low.

  • Take the paddle straight back only 12-18 inches then drive forward to contact, letting your legs and core generate velocity rather than your arm and shoulder muscles.
  • Keep wrists stiff throughout the stroke until follow-through to maintain control of the paddle face angle and ball direction.
  • Make adjustments with grip hand movements instead of opening or flipping the face during the swing.
  • Smooth weight transfers from back foot to front foot maintains rhythm and balance.
  • Time the stroke to make contact slightly in front of your body at about belly button height.
  • Follow through towards your target.

  1. Paddle Positioning (2:22)

Proper paddle positioning is vital for effective dink placement, spin, and consistency.

Hold the paddle out in front using your fingertips to manipulate slight angles during contact.

For conservative defensive dinking, keep the paddle vertical with little to no tilt. This blocks the ball straight back with minimal pace or spin. As you move the paddle face towards the side at more extreme angles, you can bias the shot direction crosscourt. Simultaneously, angled strokes generate heavy slice or topspin.

Master controlling the paddle face and learning shot effects before attempting advanced dinking techniques.

  1. Choosing Targets (2:43)

Strategic dinking involves probing different locations around the court to expose weaknesses and openings in your opponent's coverage and reactions.

Observe how your opponent moves, if they struggle with certain shots, and where they leave gaps when pulled wide or jammed up the middle.

Use straight ahead dinks and quick crosscourt combinations to assess vulnerabilities. Once discovering a weakness, apply pressure by repeatedly dinking to that area to draw a popup or rushed shot you can attack.

Be prepared to cover your own court as you will face counterattacks aimed at your weaknesses. Watching your opponents reactions tells you if your dinking strategy is working or needs adjustment.

  1. Cross-Court Dinking (4:05)

The crosscourt dink focuses on hitting sharp angled placements from side to side rather than straight back at your opponent. Mastering depth control so the ball lands close to the baseline increases difficulty returning shots.

The mechanics remain similar with good ready positioning, compact strokes, paddle control, and balanced footwork.

  • Take extra care not to cross your feet during lateral weight shifts or overrotate your upper body aiming too far crosscourt.
  • Use the momentum from side to side weight transfers rather than overly forceful arm swings to direct pace and spin.
  • Floating sliced crosscourt dinks or applying topspin by brushing up the back of the ball keep shots low to the ground.

  1. Generating Power (4:56)

Rather than overly muscling dinks with your arm and shoulder, initiate power from the ground up starting with your legs.

  • Bend knees and load your weight into your back leg during the backswing then drive off your back foot towards the ball, transferring through the hips to add velocity.
  • Time the weight shift so maximum force peaks during ball contact.
  • A long swinging arm motion bleeds energy rather than transferring force to the ball.
  • Let the hips and shoulders turn in sync, using the non-hitting arm for balance and control.
  • Maintaining form without overextending prevents breaking the wrist or flipping paddle angles mid-swing.
Proper sequencing of leg drive, hip rotation, and compact stroke makes dinks consistently challenging without sacrificing control.

  1. Court Positioning (5:14)

Proper positioning relative to the ball and your opponents is necessary for balanced, consistent dinking.

  • When exchanging crosscourt dinks, align your feet and body perpendicular to the expected return path.
  • Shuffle small adjustment steps to maneuver your hitting zone to contact the ball out in front of your body.
  • Following the ball remaining square prevents overrotating and having to hit balls behind or across your body.
  • If pulled too close to the net, retreat quickly back towards the baseline resetting your court position.
  • When positioned too deep, inch carefully forward before the next shot without crossing the kitchen line too soon.
Mastering smooth footwork and recovery positioning prepares you to counterattack opportunities when they arise.

  1. Practice Drills

Here are some useful practice drills to develop well-rounded dinking skills:

  1. Straight-ahead only dinking - alternate hitting floaters of different heights and speeds,
  2. Crosscourt only dinking - control direction, depth, and slice/topspin variations,
  3. Target practice - call out targets before dinking to specific court locations,
  4. Transition drills - mix in other shot types after several dinks (e.g. dink-drive, dink-drop),
  5. Rapid-fire exchanges - dink quickly back and forth testing reflexes.
Include themed practice games working solely on dinking serves and returns or approach dinking for added challenge. Recording video of your practice sessions helps identify problem areas requiring improvement. Study top players dinking techniques noticing how they efficiently move, handle pace changes, and disguise attack opportunities.

Mastering the dink provides a key strategic and defensive weapon allowing you to control points from the baseline or mid-court. By developing reliable compact stroke mechanics combined with agile footwork and positioning, you can place a variety of difficult dinking shots with precision.

Building chemistry dinking with partners strengthens your ability to move cohesively as a team dictating play through relentless placement pressure or mixing up tempos. Training both conservative neutralizing dinks along with assertive attacking dinks expands your shot versatility critical under pressure situations faced during match play.

Skilled use of spin, direction, speed, and placement takes time to refine but elevates well-rounded players towards advanced competitive rankings.

Time Code List

0:00 Intro 0:44 Straight-Ahead Dinking 1:32 Ready Position 1:58 Compact Swing 2:22 Paddle Positioning 2:43 Choosing Targets 4:05 Cross-Court Dinking 4:56 Generating Power 5:14 Court Positioning

Mastering the Dink: A Pickleball Quiz

1. What is the main purpose of straight-ahead dinking?

a) To end the point quickly with a winner

b) To rally conservatively and control the pace

c) To set up an attacking shot crosscourt

d) To catch the opponent off guard up the middle

2. Why is it important to maintain good ready positioning?

a) To intimidate opponents with athletic stance

b) To allow time for full backswings on shots

c) To enable quick reaction time on returns

d) To properly align shoulders and feet

3. How much should you shorten the compact dink swing?

a) 6-12 inches back then forward swing

b) 12-18 inches back then forward swing

c) 18-24 inches back then forward swing

d) 2-3 feet back then forward swing

4. What is the main benefit of vertical paddle positioning on dinks?

a) Generates maximum backspin

b) Produces unpredictable shot patterns

c) Ideal for conservative depth control

d) Sets up better ability to attack

5. What tactic involves frequently dinking towards an opponent's weakness?

a) Surprise tactics

b) Aggressive poaching

c) Targeted pressure

d) Avoidance patterns

6. Why is weight transfer important on crosscourt dinks?

a) Prevents falling forward

b) Generates controlled power

c) Allows mid-air paddle adjustments

d) Sets up forehand attacks

7. What initiates force production on well-struck dinks?

a) Arm and shoulder muscles

b) Wrist snap and grip strength

c) Rotation of the hips and core

d) Drive from the legs

8. When recovering from deep in the court, where should you reset court positioning?

a) At the kitchen line

b) Near the non-volley zone

c) Near the baseline

d) Just behind the service line

9. What drill improves fluid transitions between dinks and other shots?

a) Crosscourt exchanges

b) Rapid-fire sequences

c) Transition combinations

d) Target practice

10. What training method helps identify flaws in dinking technique?

a) Low repetition drills

b) Hitting with advanced players

c) Self-recording and video analysis

d) Explosive power exercises

11. How does mastering a variety of spin on dinks improve a player's skills?

a) Keeps opponents guessing on ball flight

b) Allows easier attack shot sequences

c) Extends endurance on long rallies

d) Builds overall shot versatility

12. Why should players learn both conservative and aggressive dinking tactics?

a) Caters strategies towards opponent skill levels

b) Expands options responding to match situations

c) Optimizes chances transitioning defense to offense

d) Allows specialization towards preferred style

13. What overall skill does improved dinking competence enhance?

a) Physical speed and conditioning

b) Mental game concentration and tactics

c) Explosiveness leaping for overhead smashes

d) Capabilities handling pace and spin variation

14. What tactical objective makes skilled dinking an asset?

a) Enduring long exhausting rallies

b) Covering weaknesses in court positioning

c) Providing a strong defensive foundation

d) Disguising plans for offensive plays

15. How does chemistry dinking with partners strengthen skills?

a) Allows focus on individual shot mechanics

b) Improves capability playing shots on both sides

c) Raises conditioning through extreme repetitions

d) Develops synchronized court movement and flow

Answer Key:

  1. b
  2. c
  3. b
  4. c
  5. c
  6. b
  7. d
  8. c
  9. c
  10. c
  11. d
  12. b
  13. d
  14. c
  15. d

Connor Garnett's Dinking Wisdom

Dinking with style, that's Connor's way, Making it look like child's play. Keeping things tight, no room for waste, Compact stroke, paddle help's pace


Bend those knees, low athletic stance, Balance maintained by posture's dance. Eyes on the ball, shuffle those feet, In perfect position shots to meet.

Floating crosscourt, slicing with spin, Prodding for faults opponents give in. Repeating the poke where it pains, Pressuring till the advantage gains.

Strict drill and training a must it be, Analyze vids swing flaws to see. Build on those fundamentals given, Soon like a pro shall you be driven.

With paddle in hand Connor imparts, Masterful lessons from mind and heart. So heed his wisdom shared today, Your dinking game raised hip hip hooray!

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