Monday, January 29, 2024

How to Hit a Two-Handed Dink | The Pickleball Clinic


How to Hit an Aggressive Two-Handed Backhand Dink in Pickleball

Learn to take control of the point with this powerful backhand shot


The two-handed backhand dink is an aggressive shot that allows you to dictate play by putting heavy topspin on the ball. It's great for neutralizing your opponent's dink and setting yourself up to take control of the point. Mastering this technique will make your backhand a dangerous weapon instead of a weakness to be exploited.

This guide will teach you the proper grip, swing mechanics, and strategy for utilizing the two-hander to start dominating from the kitchen line.

#1 The Grip (0:54)

  • Bottom "Continental" hand: Grip paddle as if hammering a nail, with paddle edge between thumb and index finger
  • Top "Eastern" hand: First knuckle aligned with flat part of paddle face
  • Hands touch but don't overlap
  • Index finger can wrap around neck of paddle or point upwards depending on room available

#2 The Swing (3:13)

  • Get body low under the ball
  • Brush upward to generate topspin
  • Power comes from dominant hand (left hand for righties)
  • Non-dominant hand guides swing
  • Don't pull across body
  • Push and brush from low to high
  • Finish swing above net level

#3 Use the Two-Hander Tactically (4:39)

  • Utilize on neutral balls or floaters you can attack
  • Counter punch to take control of point
  • Don't use when stretched wide or on defensive

#4 Avoid Common Mistakes

  • Overlapping hands reduces control and power
  • Reaching too much leads to errors
  • Forcing technique when out of position

In Summary

The two-handed backhand dink allows aggressive players to take charge of the rally from the kitchen line. By mastering the continental/eastern grip, swinging upward with the dominant hand, and deploying tactically from neutral positions, you can transform your backhand from a weakness into a potent counter-punching threat. Dictate the point and move your opponent at will with this go-to weapon for advancing your pickleball game.

Time Code List
0:37 Two Hand Dink 1) Dink Aggressive 2) Get More Topspin 3) Dominate The Point 0:54 The Grip Continental Grip Top Hand - Eastern Grip 3:13 The Swing 1) Get down low to generate topspin 2) Power comes from left hand (for right handed players) 3) Follow through 4:39 Use the two hand dink on a neutral ball/dead dink that you can counter-attack 4:51 Do not use the two hand dink if you are stretched wide and have to go on defense

Two-Handed Backhand Dink Quiz

1. What grip should your bottom hand take?

a) Continental b) Eastern c) Western d) Hammer

2. Where should your top hand's first knuckle align with?

a) Edge of the paddle b) Middle of the paddle c) Flat part of the paddle face d) Your bottom hand

3. Should your hands overlap when gripping the paddle?

a) Yes b) No

4. When generating power, where should it come from?

a) Top hand b) Bottom hand c) Dominant hand d) Non-dominant hand

5. What direction should you brush the paddle to create topspin?

a) Downward b) Outward c) Upward d) Inward

6. Where should you finish the swing?

a) Below the waist b) Below net level c) At net level d) Above net level

7. When should you avoid using the two-hander?

a) When attacking a floater b) When stretched wide c) On neutral balls d) During dink rallies

8. What shots can you effectively counter-punch with the two-hander?

a) Lobs b) Drives c) Neutral balls and floaters d) Third shot drops

9. True or False: You should pull across your body during the swing

a) True b) False

10. The two-hander transforms your backhand from ________ into a _________.

a) strength, weapon b) liability, liability c) weakness, strength d) weapon, weakness

Answer Key:

  1. a
  2. c
  3. b
  4. c
  5. c
  6. d
  7. b
  8. c
  9. b
  10. c

The Two-Handed Dink

Gripping the paddle, my friend, is the first key, For backhand power, as you'll soon see. Continental the bottom, eastern the top, Correct technique, we cannot drop.

Hand placement matters, don't let them overlap, Reduce control? No thanks, chap!
Dominant hand leads, generate that force, Non-dominant guides - stay the course!

Swing upward, under to over the ball, Brushing with spin makes it dance, not stall.

Finish high, go beyond net level, Spin and control will make opponents grovel.

Use it on floaters, those neutral balls, Counter-punch away, push opponent walls!

But when stretched out wide - no remainders -

Revert to the trusty one-hander.

Attack with this shot and watch points increase, As backhand weakness fades into deceased. From liability to weapon you know, Skill grows now - continue to sow!

So grip it right and swing with high brush, Become a true backhand threat - opponents will hush! Master this dink and dictate play with ease, As aggression increases, errors will decrease.

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