Friday, January 5, 2024

What will happen to Pickleball in 2024? | This Pickleball Life (Ep. 31)


Breakaway Forecast: Podcast Stars Smash Predictions for Pickleball's Banner Year

Can fledging leagues finally merge? Will college play prove a catalyst and cultivate junior talent?

What shockwaves are in store as media revelations loom? Acclaimed podcast hosts take listeners behind the scenes.

As pickleball continues rocketing toward mainstream consciousness at a staggering clip, Jill Braverman and Kristin Walla bring insider savvy to projecting pivotal storylines in the sport's volatile ecosystem. Veterans of tennis and golf now hooked on sharing pickleball life adventures, the podcast pioneers radiate positivity while lobbing hard truths.

Fresh from holiday respite, the two candidly tackle burning questions surrounding dysfunction plaguing governance and unity eluding premiere leagues. Peppering in personal color amid hot takes, they offer diagnosis beyond surface symptoms — combining wisdom honed fiercely competing on tour with business drive launching startups. Throughout the far-ranging predictions podcast recorded on January 2th, their passion for growing the game responsibly reigns supreme even when specifics get thorny. Grounded always in the motto "pickleball is joy," positivity prevails however events unfold. At core they just want to progress play for all devoted and newcoming players alike.

  1. 0:00, Coming up in the pod
    Kicking off 2024 raring to go, Jill and Kristin preview another predictions edition while teasing spicy opinions on drama never ceasing between rival leagues struggling to converge. They promise oracles lighting up with forecasts across hot topics pickleball fans care about most.
  2. 1:50, New Year, Old You Riffing on the notion of New Year's resolutions, the hosts take inspiration from actor Matthew McConaughey urging folks to double down on what already works rather than chasing new schemes. As Jill attests being traditionally anti-resolution and Kristin supporting internal goal-setting, they hope listeners determine what clicked in 2023 and do more of that without overthinking things.
  3. 3:37 Red Car Theory What's known as "red car theory" refers to how that after noticing something distinctive, you subsequently spot it constantly because your awareness gets heightened. Just as asking folks start intentionally seeing more red cars, opportunities exist everywhere once recognizing them. Jill relates this revelation to staying alert for promising openings in business and sport.
  4. 5:10 ICYM - Carvana, tennis & pathways
    In their "In Case You Missed It" catch-up section, the hosts highlight used car platform Carvana strangely boasting 2023's wildest stock price increase despite bankruptcy rumors given sales struggles. Jill spots irony in the company sponsoring a pickleball league itself facing financial headaches. They also breakdown a lengthy Athletic article chronicling how professional tennis is finally poised to address endemic issues. Veteran Novak Djokovic leading the Professional Tennis Players Association, an organized player effort, to demand more sway resembles the fledgling pickleball association challenge. Core problem for both sports — too many competing entities controlling governance and commercial rights. Streamlining cooperation into a coherent pathway for rising players grows increasing urgency.
  5. 7:35 Is there a new ball on tour?
    Discussion centers on Vulcan's landmark $10 million, 3-year deal establishing their equipment as the PPA Tour's official ball. Jill analyzes whether the investment pays off, determining nearly 170,000 players would need to purchase over $20 worth annually. Exact math depends partly on how many event participants overlap. But Kristin expects recurring tournament players numbering around 200,000 makes the sponsorship possibly pencil out. Until trying sample Vulcan balls herself, she remains unsure if they replicate or improve leading Duraball. For now, no offerings compare to Jill's favored Franklin X-40 in her view.
  6. 9:56 Pro Tennis Players Association
    The hosts draw more parallels between pickleball happenings and pro tennis politics. They praise Djokovic forsaking his personal star power to advocate for other pros outside an insular inner circle — contrasting it against tendencies among some pickleball notables. Veteran player Vasek Pospisil called out how governing groups dismiss an independent union despite swelling membership. In October, the men's ATP Tour alarmingly excluded the PTPA from a players meeting on reforms. Jill and Kristin reiterate without unified structure, competing incentives snowball into a confusing alphabet soup threatening long-term stability. All leading authorities must collaborate addressing how to streamline a pathway for prospects.
  7. 15:00 Personal Catching Up: Illness, 2024 Calendar
    Recapping their holiday stretch, both Jill and Kristin endured illness setbacks. Jill speculates whatever ailment she battled could constitute the plague's second coming! Meanwhile, Kristin threw her back out during physical therapy — generating amusing attempts helping her regain basic functioning. Silver linings materialized, though. Bedridden one day, Jill plowed through an inspiring book about the nexus of fate's choices and personal agency. She also began firming her 2024 teaching schedule, with clinics slated for California and a 4-day Mexico camp come October.
  8. 18:55 Will MLP pay its players?
    Sharing behind veil, Jill discloses how Major League Pickleball still hasn't disbursed January 1 salaries owed to many contract players — herself included. MLP maintains confidence in its pending merger with the PPA, targeting resolution by January 9th. The organization claims once the deal officially closes, overdue payments should reach bank accounts quickly. But Krisin challenges how long current players can withstand the financial limbo, especially those living mortgage check to mortgage check. She wants to believe negotiations conclude soon, yet history reveals complications persist.
  9. 20:06 Book Review
    That book Jill enthusiastically ingested explores the metaphorical "Midnight Library" appearing between life and death. Inside its endless shelves, every volume lets you sample alternate lives resulting from different choices at pivotal moments. The notion any existence represents simply rearranged furnishings around the core self resonates with Jill. She links the concept to pickleball themes about both environmental and inherent identity factors perpetually interacting.
  10. 21:19 Theme of the Day: Scorpion & the Frog
    Kristin introduces the oft-referenced fable dramatizing how a duplicitous scorpion convinces a frog to transport it across a river. Mid-journey it fatally stings its trusting amphibian benefactor dooming them both. As they drown together, the scorpion concedes its attack contravened agreed terms, but rationalizes such harm rings true to its basic nature. The hosts connect this morality tale to merger negotiations between the PPA, led by noted controversial figure Tom Dundon, and MLP territory featuring other strong personalities. Just because parties state shared goals doesn't mean they can collaborate peacefully.
  11. 23:06 2024 Predictions for the Win #1 No Merger
    Contrary to popular narratives, Jill argues insufficient reason exists to expect the PPA and MLP will unify because each league's underlying priorities won't magically change. She discloses how team owners tell her supporting conceptual merger depends on its executing fairly in practice. And reconciling with Tom Dundon's vision looks distinctly improbable. Everyone would welcome combining forces intelligently. But certain figures display DNA resisting compromise.
  12. 24:34 Prediction #2: New Leadership at MLP/PPA
    Regardless of any partnership forming, both Tours will undergo more executive turnover — MLP rather soon and PPA later after a bombshell report drops spotlighting the organization's shortcomings. "There's national news that is about to break," states Braverman. "That will make the previous CNBC article look tame." This begs the question where qualified leaders might materialize from. Kristin says major external investors funding MLP franchises could step up given sports business acumen. But ensuring continuity demands competitive salaries on par with other leagues. So far building institutional stability proves daunting.
  13. 28:04 Prediction #3: Drug Testing
    Skeptical how effectively tours can implement health policies so far, Jill forecasts players will encounter drug tests checking for improper performance enhancement in 2024. She vents particular frustration around competitors abusing ADHD medication like Adderall conveying unfair mental focus advantages. Kristin notes mega-stars across major sports obtaining therapeutic exemptions allowing stimulant use. They agree Adderall fast becomes an "emotional support animal" for anxious pros seeking any edge.
  14. 31:37 Prediction #4: APP
    Once derided as minor league, the amateur APP Tour could thrive moving forward in Jill's opinion. Their positioning welcomes graded pros not subject to tightening PPA and MLP constraints. New talents continually surfacing, APP provides outlet bridging development gaps. Branding itself "freedom tour" retakes what MLP forfeited — open access encouraging participation. Kristin expects APP National College Championships will further bolster their ecosystem.
  15. 34:27 Prediction #5: Junior Pickleball
    Kristin feels junior play expands imminently as more scholarship pathways attract not just athletes but coaches and families. Several competing youth events operate nationally, but coherence is primitive so far. She knows from past tennis rating system experience that credibility in the junior game shapes community buy-in and retention. College pickleball proves the vital missing bridge for now.
  16. 38:29 Biggest Pod Giveaway Ever
    The hosts tempt listeners to engage on YouTube entering their 2024 predictions for a huge 10 prizes giveaway. Commenting enters folks into raffle for autographed paddles, balls, grips, shoes, gear bags and more. Jill specifies the notification protocol for identifying winners responding back.
  17. 40:41 Next Up Tournaments: Masters
    Preparing for an upcoming Southern California regional Masters stop, Jill will play mixed doubles with Jaime Martinez besides returning to women's singles. She will also partner fellow former college standout Christine Maddox applying raw power that could test Jill. Having events nearby aids rest and convenience, though actual turnout remains uncertain given league turmoil. only certain travel incentives might attract non-local draws.
  18. 44:43 Will there be prize money?
    Further uncertaintly reigns around prizes tournaments can offer during this transitional period. Jill suggests that if no purse exists, generating fan bets could cease permanently feeling stakes went missing. Some form of bonus structures seem likely so champions still have monetary incentives beyond pride and rating points. But details stay foggy currently.
  19. 45:57 MLP Extra Players
    In scrambling to clarify event logistics, scheduling hints suggest MLP will roster 4 players from Premier teams and 6 across Challenger crews. This helps answer arising questions about how to allocate signed pros on deck between flux leagues. Mandating developmental clinics for non-playing roster members also takes shape as an obligation.
  20. 46:23 Do you have a ball?
    As play ramps up, the hosts remind listeners to stock your favorite balls rather than bumming them continually from fellow players. Kristin strongly recommends the Franklin X-40, costing around $25 per dozen from Amazon rivaling wholesale rates — an incredible value for a durable ball with quality grip and visibility.
  21. 47:10 Aim at nothing and you’ll hit it: Dear KW
    In a coaching corner segment, Kristin counsels Jill on building confidence during singles passing shot struggles. She urges first simplifying by targeting empty spaces between lines absent regarding opponents. Additionally, trust your footwork and setup ritual feel automatic from repetition. What generates confidence performs the process itself, not recent results. So stay positively focused shot-to-shot without judgment.

YouTube Time Code List
  1. 0:00 Coming up in the pod
  2. 1:50 New Year, Old You
  3. 3:37 Red Car Theory
  4. 5:10 ICYM - Carvana, tennis & pathways
  5. 7:35 Is there a new ball on tour?
  6. 9:56 Pro Tennis Players Association
  7. 15:00 Personal Catching Up: Illness, 2024 Calendar
  8. 18:55 Will MLP pay its players?
  9. 20:06 Book Review
  10. 21:19 Theme of the Day: Scorpion & the Frog
  11. 23:06 2024 Predictions for the Win #1 No Merger
  12. 24:34 Prediction #2: New Leadership at MLP/PPA
  13. 28:04 Prediction #3: Drug Testing
  14. 31:37 Prediction #4: APP
  15. 34:27 Prediction #5: Junior Pickleball
  16. 38:29 Biggest Pod Giveaway Ever
  17. 40:41 Next Up Tournaments: Masters
  18. 44:43 Will there be prize money?
  19. 45:57 MLP Extra Players
  20. 46:23 Do you have a ball?
  21. 47:10 Aim at nothing and you’ll hit it: Dear KW

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