Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Junior PPA's first female triple crown winner! 🏆 #ppatour


From Adversity to Triumph: The Inspiring Journey of Ella Cosma, Junior PPA Triple Crown Winner

Teenage Pickleball Phenom Overcomes Medical Challenges to Dominate the Court, Supported by Her Indomitable Mother

In the world of sports, there are few stories as compelling and heartwarming as that of Ella Cosma, the 15-year-old pickleball prodigy who recently etched her name into the annals of history as the first female Junior PPA Triple Crown winner. With victories in girls' singles, doubles, and mixed doubles at the Select Medical Orange County Cup, Ella's achievements have captivated the sports community. Her journey, however, is not just one of athletic prowess but also one of remarkable resilience and unwavering family support.

Born with severe stomach issues, Ella's early years were marked by countless hospital visits and numerous surgeries, including the daunting experience of living with an ileostomy bag. Sports seemed an unlikely path for Ella, whose medical condition often left her in pain and sidelined from physical activities. Yet, it was through these adversities that Ella discovered her true strength and passion for pickleball, a sport that would become both her refuge and her stage for greatness.

"We started playing about two years ago, actually around this time of year," Ella recalls. "It was on two courts off the side of a trail that we walked on every day. I got into it first; my mom liked it too, but I was more obsessed initially."

Her mother, Angie, who has always been a pillar of support, elaborates on their introduction to the sport: "It was amazing to see us so consumed by something we could share together. I've played sports most of my life, but pickleball brought a new level of passion. Coming from a tennis background, the transition to pickleball was natural, but we had to learn the fundamentals, especially the soft game."

Their dedication to the sport quickly turned into a shared passion. "A week later, when my mom got into it, we were at the court the entire day on the 4th of July, just playing for eight hours," Ella says with a smile.

As their love for pickleball grew, so did Ella's skills and confidence. Her victories at the Select Medical Orange County Cup were a testament not only to her talent but also to the relentless effort she put into mastering the game. "It feels incredible," Ella beams when asked about her historic triple crown. "There are so many talented junior players, and achieving this accomplishment is amazing. I'm excited to be the first girl to do it and grateful for all the support I've received."

Angie's pride in her daughter is palpable. "I’m very proud and excited for her. The support she received made it even sweeter. Given Ella’s medical history, seeing her go from hospital beds to the pickleball court, looking strong and mentally tough, was very emotional for me," she says, her voice filled with both joy and the weight of their shared journey.

 "I had many surgeries and couldn't play sports because it could cause severe complications," Ella explains. "But after my last surgery, when we found pickleball, I fell in love with the sport."

The transition from health challenges to becoming a top-tier athlete is nothing short of extraordinary. "We stepped onto this pickleball journey together, not expecting very much" Angie explains, "so it's neat to see her make her mark in pickleball."

Ella's story is not just about overcoming physical obstacles but also about the power of family and support. "We have a special bond on and off the court," Ella shares. "My mom was always there for me during my hospital stays, and that closeness translates to our game. We face challenges, but we always reflect and improve together."

Angie echoes this sentiment: "It's a reflection of our relationship. We're both competitive, and it gets emotional, but we work through it. Sharing the court with Ella is very special to me."

"We have challenges with our dynamic on the court, but we always come back from it, reflect on it, and talk about what we can do better and what we can keep doing well," Ella says.

Their story also highlights the importance of role models and community support in sports. Ella speaks fondly of her favorite pro players: "There are so many great players. I admire Jorja Johnson for her talent and positive attitude. I also respect Quang Duong for his dedication to the game." And, of course, Anna Leigh Waters and her mom are very inspiring," Angie adds.

Looking ahead, Ella is excited about future tournaments and continuing to excel in the sport she loves. "We’re heading to the APP Denver tournament soon, and I'm excited to keep playing and improving," she says. "I’m also coordinating with other juniors for future tournaments."

For Angie, watching her daughter grow and succeed in pickleball is both a joy and a bittersweet experience. "Sharing the court with Ella is very special because of our backstory," she reflects. "I know how lucky I am, but I also know it won't last long because Ella is just getting so good. Soon, she'll be playing with other players, and I'll be cheering from the sidelines."

As Ella and Angie continue their pickleball journey, they remain grateful for the support and community they have found in the sport. "The pickleball community is so supportive, and it's great to see more girls and young players championing the sport," Ella says.

In the grand tapestry of sports, Ella Cosma's story stands out as a beacon of hope and perseverance. From hospital beds to championship courts, her journey is a testament to the power of resilience, family, and passion. As she continues to make her mark in pickleball, Ella's story will undoubtedly inspire many more young athletes to chase their dreams, no matter the obstacles they face.

Inclusive Summary:

Ella Cosma's rise to becoming the first female Junior PPA Triple Crown winner is a story of extraordinary resilience and the unbreakable bond between a mother and daughter. Overcoming severe medical challenges, Ella discovered her passion for pickleball and, with the unwavering support of her mother Angie, transformed from a hospital-bound child to a champion athlete. Their journey is a testament to the power of family, community, and perseverance. As they look forward to more tournaments and victories, Ella and Angie continue to inspire with their dedication and love for the sport.

Swinging to Victory: The Jazzy Journey of Ella Cosma Ella Cosma, a name that rings, A story of triumph, the queen of swings. Mom, Angie, by her side, Through thick and thin, a steadfast guide. From hospital beds to the pickleball court, Their journey's one of the finest sort. Fifteen years old, a prodigy so bold, In the pickleball world, her story’s told. First female Junior PPA Triple Crown winner, A champion in games, no novice beginner. Ella Cosma, the courts she roams, Making the pickleball world her home. They started out on a humble trail, A love for the game, neither would fail. Eight hours straight, they’d play all day, Fourth of July, they found their way. Surgeries and pain, a life redefined, But Ella's spirit, you could not confine. With every match, she rose above, Fueled by passion and motherly love. Angie watched, her heart aglow, As Ella's talents began to show. From a hospital bed to a champion's stance, In the dance of the game, she took her chance. Ella beams, with victories in stride, Her mother’s pride, she cannot hide. The bond they share, both strong and true, In every game, in every view. From Jorja Johnson to Anna Leigh, Ella’s heroes paved the way. Inspired by those who came before, Ella’s set to win even more. APP Denver is just the start, Ella and Angie, a team apart. A prodigy’s tale in jazzy rhyme, Swinging to victory, time after time. Ella Cosma, shining bright, With Angie’s love, she’ll reach new heights. From hospital beds to the pickleball court, Their journey’s one of the finest sort.

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