Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Ed Ju: The Strategy That Took Down World's #1 | Slow Motion Point Analysis


Mastering the Art of Unpredictability in Pickleball: Lessons from Gabe Tardio

Breaking Down Key Strategies in the Ben and Colin Johns vs. Federico Staksrud and Gabe Tardio Match


In the fast-evolving world of pickleball, adaptability and creativity are becoming essential traits for success. The recent Kansas City Open match featuring Ben and Colin Johns against Federico Staksrud and Gabe Tardio serves as a perfect example of this shift. This match wasn't just a display of skill but also a lesson in how evolving strategies can disrupt even the most established players. In this article, Ed Ju break down the key elements that made Gabe Tardio and Federico Staksrud’s gameplay stand out, focusing on lobs, counters, and volley dinks.

1. The Power of the Volley Dink - 1:00

  • Key Highlights:

    • Staksrud’s use of volley dinks to take time away from the Johns brothers.
    • Consistent targeting of Ben Johns’ left foot to disrupt his positioning.
    • The strategic advantage of hitting the ball out of the air.
  • Summary: Staksrud’s mastery of the volley dink was a critical factor in this match. By taking the ball out of the air, he significantly reduced the reaction time for Ben and Colin Johns, forcing them into uncomfortable positions. The tactic of consistently aiming at Ben’s left foot kept him from dominating the center of the court, a place where he’s typically unbeatable. This strategy not only disrupted their rhythm but also allowed Gabe and Staksrud to maintain control of the game, pushing the Johns brothers into a reactive state.

2. The Art of the Unexpected Lob - 7:51

  • Key Highlights:

    • Gabe’s unpredictable use of lobs to break his opponent’s rhythm.
    • The strategic decision to lob over Colin Johns’ backhand.
    • How this play set up offensive opportunities for Gabe and Staksrud.
  • Summary: One of the standout moments in the match was Gabe Tardio’s perfectly executed lob over Colin Johns’ backhand. This play was a masterclass in unpredictability, catching the Johns brothers off guard and forcing them into a defensive position. By choosing the right moment to lob, Gabe not only disrupted their rhythm but also created an opportunity for his team to go on the offensive. This tactic highlights the importance of variety in play, showing that even a well-placed lob can turn the tide of a match when used effectively.

3. Gabe Tardio’s Defensive Mastery - 10:48

  • Key Highlights:

    • Gabe’s exceptional countering ability, making him nearly unattackable.
    • His calm and calculated footwork under pressure.
    • The effectiveness of Gabe’s simple yet precise paddle positioning during counters.
  • Summary: Gabe Tardio’s defensive prowess shone through in this match. His ability to block and counter fast shots, especially from Ben Johns, is remarkable. Gabe’s technique is rooted in simplicity—he focuses on getting into the right position and creating a solid wall with his paddle, making it nearly impossible for opponents to overpower him. This defensive skill set complements Staksrud’s aggressive volleys, making them a formidable team. Gabe’s calmness under pressure and his ability to neutralize strong attacks turned potentially losing points into opportunities for his team to regain control.


This match analysis provides valuable insights into the evolving strategies in pickleball, particularly at the highest levels of play. Gabe Tardio and Federico Staksrud demonstrated that speed, creativity, and unpredictability are key to overcoming even the most dominant players. Staksrud’s volley dinks took away critical time from the Johns brothers, forcing them into less favorable positions. Gabe’s defensive skills, particularly his ability to counter powerful shots with precision and calmness, made him nearly unattackable. His unpredictable playstyle, including the use of lobs, further destabilized the Johns brothers, allowing his team to take control of the match.

This breakdown not only highlights the specific strategies used in this match but also offers broader lessons for players looking to improve their own game. By incorporating these elements—time-reducing volleys, solid defensive counters, and unpredictable shots—players can develop a more well-rounded and effective approach to pickleball, regardless of their opponent’s skill level.

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