Saturday, August 17, 2024

Steve Paranto: Pickleball Mechanics - Grip, Foot Placement, and Balance


Mastering Pickleball Mechanics: The Essentials for Success
A Comprehensive Guide to Grip, Foot Placement, and Balance with Steve Paranto


Pickleball, a rapidly growing sport, combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis into a game that's easy to learn yet challenging to master. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the court, understanding and mastering the fundamentals is crucial to improving your game. Steve Paranto, a respected name in the world of pickleball, emphasizes the importance of correct mechanics for players of all ages, especially seniors. This guide will delve into three critical aspects of pickleball mechanics: your grip, foot placement, and balance. By honing these skills, you'll enhance your consistency, control, and overall performance on the court. Let's explore how to refine these mechanics to elevate your pickleball game.

1) Your Grip [0:13]

Your grip is the foundation of your pickleball technique, dictating the power, control, and versatility of your shots. While the Continental grip, akin to a "shake hands" grip, has been a staple in the past, modern pickleball is evolving. More players are adopting the Eastern forehand grip, where the heel of the hand is positioned more behind the handle. This shift allows for more effective forehand volleys and backhand dinks, offering advantages in both offensive and defensive situations.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Step 1: Identify your current grip. The Continental grip is neutral, suitable for both forehands and backhands, with minimal adjustment between shots.
  • Step 2: Experiment with the Eastern forehand grip. Rotate your hand slightly, so the heel of your hand aligns more behind the handle.
  • Step 3: Practice hitting forehand volleys with the Eastern grip. Notice the increased reach and power when striking the ball further in front of your body.
  • Step 4: Try backhand dinks with this grip. Keep your elbow out and maintain a slight bow in your wrist to replicate the technique used by top players.
  • Step 5: Consider your comfort with finger positioning on the paddle. Some players choke up on the handle, similar to table tennis grips, while others prefer a finger down the paddle for greater control.
  • Step 6: Avoid extreme grips that may create specific strengths but also significant weaknesses, especially if you're unable to switch grips quickly.


The grip you choose influences every shot you take in pickleball. While the traditional Continental grip offers versatility, the Eastern forehand grip provides enhanced control and power, particularly for forehand volleys and backhand dinks. Adjusting your grip based on your playstyle and comfort can make a significant difference in your performance. However, be cautious of extreme grips, as they can lead to imbalances in your game. Experiment with different grips during practice to find what works best for you.

2) Foot Placement [8:22]

Foot placement is integral to maintaining stability and control during a game. Proper footwork not only positions you to reach the ball more effectively but also conserves energy, which is especially crucial for senior players. By adopting an athletic stance and learning efficient movement techniques, you can improve your reach and responsiveness on the court.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Step 1: Start in an athletic stance with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. This stance gives you a solid base and allows you to reach more shots with minimal movement.
  • Step 2: Practice leaning rather than stepping to reach balls that are slightly out of your immediate range. This technique saves energy and reduces the need for large, tiring movements.
  • Step 3: For wider shots, employ a controlled lunge rather than crossing your feet. Lunging keeps you balanced and ready for the next shot.
  • Step 4: When lunging, ensure your weight is fully on the lead leg, allowing you to finish the shot before recovering back to your ready position.
  • Step 5: Avoid crossing your feet whenever possible, as this can leave you vulnerable to being out of position for the next shot.


Efficient foot placement and movement are essential for staying balanced and conserving energy on the court. By maintaining a wide stance and utilizing leaning and lunging techniques, you can cover more ground with less effort. This approach is particularly beneficial for senior players who need to manage their energy levels during long matches. Avoid crossing your feet, as it can compromise your balance and positioning, making it harder to recover quickly between shots.

3) Balance [10:24]

Balance is the cornerstone of effective pickleball play, ensuring that you can execute shots with precision and recover quickly for the next. Maintaining proper balance throughout your movements allows for better shot accuracy, reduced risk of injury, and increased stamina over the course of a match.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Step 1: Always start with a balanced stance, with your weight evenly distributed on both feet and your knees slightly bent.
  • Step 2: Keep your paddle out in front of you, with a relaxed grip (grip tension of about 1 on a scale of 10) to allow for quick hand movements.
  • Step 3: As you prepare to hit a volley or dink, preset your paddle angle early, ensuring it’s aligned with where you want the ball to go.
  • Step 4: For each shot, firm up your grip just before contact (increasing tension to about 6-7) to add power and control.
  • Step 5: Avoid overextending or reaching too far, as this can throw off your balance. Instead, move your feet to maintain your center of gravity.
  • Step 6: After each shot, quickly return to your balanced stance, ready for the next ball.


Maintaining balance in pickleball is vital for executing shots accurately and staying in control of the rally. By focusing on a stable stance, relaxed grip, and precise paddle positioning, you can improve your shot consistency and reduce the risk of injury. Balance not only affects your current shot but also how quickly you can recover and prepare for the next, making it a key aspect of effective pickleball play.

Inclusive Guide Summary

Mastering the mechanics of pickleball is essential for players at all levels, particularly for seniors looking to maximize their performance and enjoyment of the game. By focusing on key elements such as grip, foot placement, and balance, you can build a strong foundation that enhances every aspect of your play. The grip you choose influences your control and power, so experiment with different grips to find what suits your style. Proper foot placement allows you to conserve energy while covering the court efficiently, and maintaining balance ensures you can execute shots with precision and recover quickly. By integrating these mechanics into your practice, you'll develop a more consistent, controlled, and effective game, giving you the edge against opponents of all ages.

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