Friday, October 4, 2024



Mastering the Flat Forehand in Pickleball
A Step-by-Step Guide with Phuc Huynh and Marcel

The flat forehand technique is a critical foundation for pickleball players who want to improve their consistency, control, and ability to generate power. In this instructional guide, Phuc Huynh and Marcel take you through the essential components of the flat forehand stroke. Whether you're struggling with tempo during warm-ups or maintaining consistency throughout a match, mastering these key points will enhance your overall game. Let's dive in!

0:00 - Introduction to the Flat Forehand

  • Marcel introduces the lesson, focusing on the basic flat forehand technique.
  • Emphasis on this drill for players seeking better consistency and tempo.

Phuc and Marcel begin the video by explaining the purpose of this drill. It's designed for players who have difficulty maintaining a consistent pace and rhythm with their partner, especially in warm-ups. The flat forehand is a foundational stroke that can set the stage for more advanced techniques later on. This drill teaches players to focus on the essentials of foot positioning, paddle angle, and the use of body rotation to execute a clean, flat shot.

0:27 - Paddle Tip Down and Foot Alignment

  • Focus on keeping the paddle tip down while making contact with the ball.
  • Proper foot alignment, facing crosscourt for a consistent shot.

Instructional Highlights:

  • Paddle tip should stay low to ensure control over the shot.
  • Keep feet oriented toward the target.
  • Avoid excessive wrist movement to create a more stable hitting zone.

At this stage, Phuc emphasizes the importance of positioning the paddle tip downward as he makes contact with the ball. His feet are aligned towards his target, whether hitting crosscourt or down the line. This focus on minimizing wrist movement helps create a consistent, solid hitting zone, allowing for more control over shot placement. By maintaining this form, the player can reliably hit the ball in a consistent direction without too much wrist action.

1:08 - Linear Swing Path and Weight Transfer

  • Focus on taking a step back with each repetition while keeping the swing linear.
  • Ball placement should land just behind the kitchen line.

Instructional Highlights:

  • Maintain a straight swing path for more controlled shots.
  • Step back with each shot to adjust distance while keeping balance.
  • Ball should land behind the kitchen line for better accuracy.

Phuc demonstrates the linear nature of the forehand stroke by keeping his paddle movement straight and predictable. With every repetition, he steps back slightly to practice hitting from different distances while maintaining the same level of control. The ball should consistently land just behind the kitchen line, ensuring a balanced stroke that isn’t overly aggressive but controlled and precise.

1:20 - Open, Semi-Open, and Closed Stance

  • Phuc demonstrates three different stances: open, semi-open, and closed.
  • Paddle tip remains down in all stances, and the focus is on pushing the ball.

Instructional Highlights:

  • Experiment with open, semi-open, and closed stances.
  • Paddle tip down regardless of stance for consistency.
  • Focus on pushing the ball with minimal wrist action.

Marcel guides Phuc through various stances to show how foot positioning affects the flat forehand. Whether using an open, semi-open, or closed stance, the paddle tip remains low, and the player’s primary objective is to push the ball rather than flick it. By keeping the mechanics of the stroke consistent across stances, players can develop a more adaptable, reliable forehand stroke.

1:45 - Adding Hip Rotation for Power

  • Incorporate hip rotation to add power to the forehand stroke.
  • Increased pace, but body remains stable and balanced.

Instructional Highlights:

  • Turn hips as you drop hands, rotating through the shot.
  • Maintain perfect balance while rotating for added power.
  • Use 70% of maximum pace for control and consistency.

Next, Phuc integrates hip rotation into his stroke, adding another layer of power without sacrificing control. The movement starts with the hips, which then drive the paddle through the shot. By maintaining balance and proper alignment, Phuc can hit a faster, more powerful shot while keeping control over ball placement. The pace here is moderate (about 70%), focusing on smooth execution rather than full force.

2:21 - Stepping In and Transferring Weight

  • Focus on stepping into the shot, transferring weight from back foot to front.
  • Contact point is beside the front leg for optimal shot control.

Instructional Highlights:

  • Transfer weight smoothly from back foot to front foot.
  • Make contact with the ball next to the front leg.
  • Ensure rotation helps deliver power through the shot.

Here, Phuc demonstrates how to effectively transfer weight from the back foot to the front while executing the flat forehand. By stepping in and making contact near the front leg, players ensure they can put their entire body into the stroke. This weight transfer, coupled with hip rotation, results in a more powerful and accurate shot. This sequence creates a controlled yet powerful flat forehand, useful in both defensive and offensive plays.

3:06 - 60% Rally Progression

  • Final progression: a rally with Marcel at the net and Phuc at the baseline.
  • Focus on consistent ball contact and linear swing path.

Instructional Highlights:

  • Maintain a consistent rally with 60% pace.
  • Focus on linear swing path regardless of ball height or angle.
  • Keep tempo steady while moving left or right.

In the final drill, Phuc practices a 60% rally, staying on the baseline while Marcel feeds him balls from the net. Phuc focuses on keeping his swing path linear and his contact consistent, no matter where the ball is placed or how high it is. The goal is to maintain a steady tempo while improving reaction time and footwork, ensuring each shot remains controlled and accurate. No Wrist, No Risk.


The flat forehand technique is an essential skill for pickleball players of all levels. By focusing on the fundamentals, such as keeping the paddle tip down, using a linear swing path, and incorporating weight transfer and hip rotation, players can develop a reliable and powerful forehand stroke. Each progression in this drill builds on the previous one, ensuring that the player’s form remains consistent whether they’re standing still or moving during a rally. With regular practice, these techniques will not only improve consistency but also give players the tools to add pace and precision to their shots.

2024 PPA Carvana Mesa Arizona Cup Tyler Loong vs Phuc Huynh


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