Thursday, December 14, 2023

Hit better resets with this tip from the #2 ranked pickleball player in the world!


Collin John’s 3 Pro Tips for Executing the Perfect Pickleball Reset

Introduction Resetting the ball is one of the most critical shots in pickleball. When your opponent hits a speedy shot, you must quickly regain control of the point by absorbing their power and placing the ball precisely back into the kitchen. This controlled response allows you to reset the rally on your terms.

Master pickleball player and coach Colin Johns breakdowns his top 3 tips to flawlessly execute the reset. Implementing these methods will give you the skills to counter any blistering shot and own the point.

  1. Minimize Movement to Improve Focus (0:04) The reflex to hop or jump backwards against a slammed ball is instinctual but counterproductive. This excessive motion makes it harder for your eyes to track and focus. Stillness provides stability.

Keep your feet planted and body relaxed when addressing speedups. Limit extraneous movements of the head or shuffling of the legs. Streamline motions to only what is essential. Remain composed yet attentive through the core and eyes.

Maintain this disciplined stillness especially when absorbing your opponent’s smash. Then fluidly deliver your reset. Mimic pros like JW Johnson who stay eerily quiet during heated exchanges. Excessive motion is wasted energy that distracts focus.

  1. Absorb and Deflect, Don’t Impart More Power (2:58) Smashing back your opponent’s bullet will often overpower the ball, causing it to sail out of bounds or flop into the net. Instead, receive their pace and redirect this energy using finesse.

Imagine catching the ball out in front of you to absorb its thrust. Focus on a controlled finish and follow through that retains their power while feathering the ball into the kitchen. DRILL: Set up a ball machine or Slinger bag to deliver speedups. Catch the balls first, then practice redirecting them with full absorption and limited paddle movement (1-2 inches).

  1. Repetition Develops Muscle Memory (8:13) They don’t call it a pickleball “drill” for nothing. High volume repetition trains your muscle memory so your technique becomes second nature. Strive to practice resets and other key shots for hours daily like the Johns brothers.

Can’t commit that much time? Schedule regular training sessions with a partner or ball machine. Run specific reset drills from the Pickleball Playbook app. Follow the tips above to ingrain ideal mechanics through deliberate practice. Frequent and focused drilling expedites mastery.

In summary, absorbing smash returns relies on composure, precision, and persistence. Limit body movements to sharpen focus. Handle pace by redirecting rather than matching power. And drill consistently to make resets a fluid reaction. Mastering these methods will have you owning points.

Time Code List

0:00 Collin Johns 3 Reset Tips 0:04 #1 You move way too much when you try and reset the ball 2:58 #2 The greater the energy you apply in a forward motion, the higher the likelihood of the ball popping up 3:34 Drill - Catch The Ball In Front Of You/Reset ball with paddle 4:48 How does Collin Johns hit resets 8:13 #3 To Drill - Reps Are Key To Improve

Quiz: Executing the Perfect Reset

  1. Why is it important to minimize extra movement when resetting?

a) Your eyes track the ball better b) It conserves energy c) Both a & b d) None of the above

  1. What grip does Colin Johns use to execute backhand resets?

a) Eastern b) Semi-Western c) Continental d) Hammer

  1. When redirecting your opponent's slammed return, you should:

a) Absorb their pace and delicately reset b) Smash the ball back just as hard c) Hit a soft drop shot d) None of the above

  1. What drill does Colin recommend to master ball absorption?

a) Catch the speedups in front of you before resetting with paddle b) Just hit against a backboard c) Play games focusing only on resets d) Use a ball machine to develop consistency

  1. Approximately how many hours does Colin drill resets each day?

a) 1-2 hours b) 30 minutes c) 3 hours d) However much time he has

  1. How specifically does Colin position his paddle on backhand resets?

a) Points elbow at side fence b) Keeps paddle face square c) Uses hammer grip d) Uses eastern grip

  1. What tennis shot is similar to the pickleball reset?

a) Volley b) Overhead c) Groundstroke d) Serve

  1. Why is frequent repetition important for mastering resets?

a) Develops faster reaction time b) Improves consistency c) Ingrains muscle memory d) All the above

  1. What coaching app does Colin recommend for drilling?

a) Pickleball 360 b) DeepShot c) Pickleball Playbook d) None of the above

  1. Complete the sentence: The pickleball reset allows you to _______.

a) Regain control of the point b) Tire out your opponent c) Avoid long rallies d) Put more pace on the ball

Answer Key:

  1. c
  2. c
  3. a
  4. a
  5. c
  6. a
  7. b
  8. d
  9. c
  10. a

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