Saturday, August 31, 2024

Diadem Presents | The Bill Forray Story


A Game of Healing: Bill Forray's Pickleball Journey Through Love and Loss

How a Community Rallied Around a Grieving Husband and Helped Him Find Solace on the Pickleball Court

When life hands us loss, we often find comfort in the familiar. For Bill Forray, that familiar place was the pickleball court. After the heartbreaking loss of his beloved wife, Jill, Bill was left with a void that seemed impossible to fill. Their bond had been the kind others only dream of, one built on love, mutual respect, and a shared passion for sports. As Bill faced the daunting challenge of moving forward without Jill by his side, it was the local pickleball community that stepped in, offering support, camaraderie, and a pathway to healing.

In this compelling story, we explore how the sport of pickleball—and the people who play it—became a lifeline for Bill during his darkest days. From the outpouring of love during Jill’s illness to the countless matches that have since helped Bill rediscover joy, this is a tale of resilience, community, and the enduring power of love.

Finding Love Through Sport

Bill and Jill Forray’s love story began on the tennis courts of New York. A casual conversation about movies blossomed into a lifelong partnership filled with shared interests and mutual respect. Both were avid athletes, and their bond was strengthened by their love for sports. Whether it was a game of tennis or a leisurely round of golf, Bill and Jill were inseparable. It was this shared passion that eventually led them to the sunny courts of Florida, where they discovered a new sport that would change their lives: pickleball.

A New Chapter in Florida

In 2017, Bill and Jill took up pickleball, quickly becoming familiar faces at the Delray Tennis Center. Their love for the game mirrored their love for each other—strong, enduring, and full of joy. But as life often does, it threw them an unexpected curveball. In December 2019, Jill was diagnosed with leukemia, and their lives were turned upside down.

For 21 months, Bill stood by Jill’s side as she bravely battled her illness. During this time, pickleball took a backseat as Bill focused on caring for the love of his life. Despite the challenges, the couple managed to return to the courts for a brief period, finding solace in the game they both adored. However, Jill’s health eventually declined, and on a fateful day in July, she passed away, leaving Bill to navigate life without his cherished partner.

The Power of Community

The loss of Jill was devastating for Bill, but he soon discovered that he wasn’t alone. The pickleball community, which had become an integral part of their lives, rallied around him in his time of need. Friends who had once cheered them on during matches now offered support in ways that went beyond the court. From organizing fundraisers to help with Jill’s medical expenses to simply being there for Bill as he grieved, the community’s kindness was boundless.

Bill was deeply moved by the outpouring of love and support. He often reflected on how fortunate Jill had been to experience such overwhelming care from their friends. “Most people don’t find out how loved they are until after they’re gone,” Bill would say. “Jill was still here, and she got to see how much she was cherished by everyone around her.”

Healing Through Pickleball

In the months following Jill’s passing, Bill found himself drawn back to the pickleball court. What started as a way to stay active soon became a crucial part of his healing process. Initially, Bill would play alone during the quiet hours at the Delray Tennis Center, using the game as a form of therapy. But as time went on, he began to reconnect with the community that had once supported him and Jill so fervently.

Pickleball became more than just a game for Bill—it was a lifeline. The sport provided him with a sense of purpose and a way to honor Jill’s memory. With every serve, every volley, and every match, Bill felt closer to the woman he had lost. The friendships he forged on the court also played a significant role in his recovery. Through pickleball, Bill met people who not only shared his love for the game but also understood the pain of loss. Together, they formed a tight-knit community that helped each other navigate life’s challenges.

A Legacy of Love

Bill’s journey through grief has been marked by both heartache and healing. While the loss of Jill will always leave a void in his life, the support of the pickleball community has allowed him to move forward with strength and grace. His story is a testament to the power of community and the role that sports can play in helping us heal.

In honor of Jill, Bill continues to play pickleball, not just as a pastime but as a way to keep her memory alive. He participates in tournaments, often dedicating his matches to the love of his life. In 2023, Bill and his partner won two bronze medals at the US Open Pickleball Championships, a victory he attributes to Jill’s guiding spirit. The following year, they returned to win two gold medals, a feat that seemed almost miraculous to Bill. “I know Jill was watching over us,” he said, his voice filled with emotion.

Conclusion: The Best Version of Himself

Today, Bill Forray is a man transformed. Once a quiet, reserved individual, he has blossomed into a vibrant and outgoing member of the pickleball community. His journey from loss to recovery is a reminder that, even in our darkest moments, we can find light through the support of others.

Bill credits pickleball not only for helping him cope with Jill’s passing but also for bringing out a side of him that he never knew existed. Surrounded by friends who have become like family, Bill believes that he is now the best version of himself—a version that Jill would be proud of.

In the end, Bill’s story is about more than just loss and recovery; it’s about the enduring power of love and the strength found in community. As Bill continues to play pickleball, he does so with a heart full of gratitude, knowing that every match is a tribute to the woman who will always be by his side in spirit.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Selkirk RIPS the PPA a New One 😱🤣 | This Pickleball Life (Ep 50)


  1. 0:00 Intro/Themesong
  2. 3:12 The Breakdown/Tres Palapas/Jeremy Lin
  3. 12:24 Paddle Talk
  4. 18:02 Paddle Certification
  5. 22:23 Our Reactions to the Selkirk Letter
  6. 25:18 Gamma 40% off Sale
  7. 25:45 PickleNOTroll
  8. 27:29 Ketones: the building blocks of energy
  9. 30:24 USAP’s New Testing
  10. 34:00 Is it Joola/UPA vs the world?
  11. 38:02 Bogeys in Pickleball?
  12. 39:46 In this episode of This Pickleball Life (Ep 50), the hosts discuss the importance of focusing on solidifying your fundamentals in pickleball rather than constantly striving to increase your skill ceiling. The conversation emphasizes that players should concentrate on reducing errors and mastering basic skills, like consistently getting the ball over the net, rather than attempting flashy or risky shots. By adopting a mindset that prioritizes consistency—such as aiming for higher, shallower dinks during warm-ups—players can gradually improve their overall game. The key takeaway is that simple mental shifts, such as focusing on reliable shots over perfection, can lead to a higher skill level naturally.

Breaking Down...the Serve 🍦 | The Pickleball Breakdown Pod 2


Mastering the Pickleball Serve: Strategies, Techniques, and Pro Tips

A Comprehensive Guide from The Pickleball Breakdown Pod

Welcome to this instructive guide based on an episode of The Pickleball Breakdown Pod, hosted by Jill Braverman and Scott Crandall. This guide will walk you through essential aspects of the pickleball serve, from basic techniques to advanced strategies used by professionals. Whether you're a beginner looking to improve your game or an experienced player aiming to refine your skills, this guide offers valuable insights to enhance your serving prowess. 

1. Is the serve a weapon? (1:40)

  • Consider the serve as a strategic tool in your gameplay
  • Understand that a powerful serve can put pressure on opponents
  • Recognize the impact of equipment and player skill on serve effectiveness

The serve in pickleball can indeed be a weapon, especially at higher levels of play. As players' skills improve and equipment evolves, serves are becoming increasingly powerful and strategic.

2. Where should you aim your serve? (3:49)

  • Focus on achieving depth with your serve
  • Aim for the baseline to maximize the difficulty for returners
  • Consider serving wide or short occasionally to keep opponents off-balance

Depth is crucial when serving. A deep serve forces opponents to hit their return from behind the baseline, making it challenging for them to advance to the kitchen quickly.

3. Serve variety is the spice of life (4:52)

  • Incorporate different types of serves into your game
  • Mix up pace, spin, and placement to keep opponents guessing
  • Practice various serves to build confidence in match situations

Adding variety to your serves can make you unpredictable and more challenging to return against. Don't be afraid to experiment with different serves during practice and matches.

4. How high should you aim your serve? (7:11)

  • Experiment with different trajectories
  • Consider a lower trajectory for power serves
  • Try higher arcs for serves with more spin

The height of your serve can significantly impact its effectiveness. Lower serves can be faster but riskier, while higher serves with more arc can incorporate more spin and be harder to return.

5. Jill only takes advice from Scotts (10:23)

  • Seek advice from experienced players and coaches
  • Be open to learning from various sources
  • Apply advice that works best for your game

While this point is made humorously, it emphasizes the importance of learning from experienced players and coaches to improve your serve and overall game.

6. How to fix the serving yips! (11:19)

  • Focus on an intermediate target, like a spot on the net
  • Use a relaxed arm motion, like an "elephant trunk"
  • Practice serving with permission to miss

Overcoming serving anxiety or "yips" involves mental and physical techniques. Focusing on a specific target and allowing yourself to relax can help regain confidence in your serve.

7. Why you should MISS your serve (15:07)

  • Understand that missing occasionally is part of an aggressive serving strategy
  • Push your limits to improve your serve's effectiveness
  • Balance aggression with consistency

Don't be afraid to miss serves occasionally. Taking risks and pushing your limits can lead to a more powerful and effective serve over time.

8. Winning points vs preventing points being won (16:28)

  • Focus on preventing opponents from winning points
  • Emphasize the importance of good returns and fourth shots
  • Understand the strategic value of "preventing" in side-out scoring

In pickleball, preventing opponents from winning points can be as crucial as winning points yourself, especially in games with side-out scoring.

9. Successful serving patterns (18:14)

  • Develop serve patterns that set up advantageous third shots
  • Practice serving to specific spots that create difficulties for returners
  • Communicate serve strategies with your partner in doubles

Creating and practicing specific serving patterns can give you a strategic advantage, making your third shot easier and putting pressure on your opponents.

10. Serve drills by the Julie Johnson Academy (21:08)

  • Set up targets on the court for serve practice
  • Practice serving to different areas: short and wide, deep corners, and the "T"
  • Incorporate serve variety into your practice routine

Structured serve practice, like the drills used at the Julie Johnson Academy, can significantly improve your serving accuracy and variety.

11. Top spin vs side spin vs flat (23:15)

  • Experiment with different types of spin on your serves
  • Practice top spin for a serve that dips quickly
  • Try side spin for serves that curve away from the returner

Different types of spin can make your serve more challenging to return. Practicing various spin techniques can add another dimension to your serving game.

12. How many serves should you miss per game? (24:30)

  • Aim to miss no more than 1-2 serves per game when being aggressive
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of your aggressive serves
  • Adjust your serving strategy based on point outcomes

While missing serves should be minimized, don't be afraid to take calculated risks. The key is to find a balance between aggression and consistency.

13. Which pros have the best serves? (26:32)

  • Study professional players known for their strong serves
  • Observe the technique of players like James and Hayden
  • Notice the compact swing used by many top players

Learning from professional players can provide insights into effective serving techniques. Many top players use a compact swing to generate power while maintaining control.

14. Which tour's serve rule should you follow? (28:10)

  • Adhere to USA Pickleball rules for recreational and amateur play
  • Understand the differences in serving rules across professional tours
  • Focus on the spirit of the underhand serve rule

For most players, following USA Pickleball rules is recommended. These rules maintain the spirit of the underhand serve while providing clear guidelines for legal serves.

15. Serve and...RETURNS! (31:51)

  • Focus on depth when returning serves
  • Follow through on your return and move towards the kitchen
  • Practice the rhythm of moving through your return

While serving is crucial, effective returns are equally important. Emphasize depth and forward momentum when practicing your returns.

16. The #1 mistake on the return (32:22)

  • Avoid standing too close to the baseline when returning
  • Position yourself further back to allow for better preparation
  • Move through the ball when making contact on the return

Many players stand too close to the baseline when returning, limiting their ability to generate power and move forward. Standing further back can improve your return effectiveness.

17. Don't smoke in the lobby (35:15)

  • Avoid admiring your shots after hitting them
  • Focus on moving to the kitchen immediately after your return
  • Maintain a dynamic, forward-moving approach to the game

This humorous advice emphasizes the importance of continuous movement in pickleball. Don't pause to admire your shots; instead, focus on your next move.

18. Conclusion (35:15)

  • Implement the strategies and techniques discussed in your practice and matches
  • Continuously work on improving your serve and return game
  • Stay tuned for more valuable insights in future episodes of The Pickleball Breakdown Pod

This guide, based on insights from The Pickleball Breakdown Pod, provides a comprehensive overview of serving techniques and strategies in pickleball. From understanding the serve as a weapon to mastering various types of spins and placements, the guide covers essential aspects of effective serving. It also emphasizes the importance of returns and overall game strategy. By implementing these tips and practicing regularly, players can significantly improve their serving game and overall pickleball performance. Remember, the key to a great serve lies in variety, consistency, and strategic thinking. Keep practicing, stay dynamic, and enjoy the game!

Time Code List

  1. 0:00 Intro
  2. 1:40 Is the serve a weapon?
  3. 3:49 Where should you aim your serve?
  4. 4:52 Serve variety is the spice of life
  5. 7:11 How high should you aim your serve?
  6. 10:23 Jill only takes advice from Scotts
  7. 11:19 How to fix the serving yips!
  8. 15:07 Why you should MISS your serve
  9. 16:28 Winning points vs preventing points being won
  10. 18:14 Successful serving patterns
  11. 21:08 Serve drills by the Julie Johnson Academy
  12. 23:15 Top spin vs side spin vs flat
  13. 24:30 How many serves should you miss per game?
  14. 26:32 Which pros have the best serves?
  15. 28:10 Which tour’s serve rule should you follow?
  16. 31:51 Serve and…RETURNS!
  17. 32:22 The #1 mistake on the return
  18. 35:15 Don’t smoke in the lobby
  19. 36:19 Mom is in town :)

How to WIN in Pickleball | This Pickleball Life (Pod 48)


The Art of Control: Playing Pickleball with Jack Munro

Jill Braverman: I played with Jack Munro at PPA San Clemente last week, and something he did that was so interesting was, he's lefty, so he'd be on the right, and he'd get a backhand that was pretty high. You know, the guy sitting in the middle to protect the middle is thinking it's going to come so hard, and Jack would just hit it feathery soft down the line. Then the guy would get it back barely, and he would do the same thing again, and there's nobody home, and the ball is moving very slowly.

So, I think we're seeing this kind of crop of next-generation players really leveraging that: getting the ball down and off-speed, winning the point because we all have good hands, and we all want the ball fast. That's what we want. I want someone to hit it fast. I mean, I want someone to put it right on my paddle. I don't want it to bounce off-speed and kick funny.

Kristin Walla: So much of defense is anticipation. So, you are anticipating speed, and you don't get it. You're more likely to make an error.

Scott Crandall: Well, I mean, once these hand battles start, then everyone just goes straight lizard brain.

Jill Braverman: Yeah, lizard brain. 

Scott Crandall: But Jack Munro, I think because this is his second pickleball life—he was good when he was a kid before the pro scene came out, and he was already one of the youngest 5.0 players. He's also known for having a lot of trick shots and variety in his game.

I don't think he goes lizard brain. He's so good he keeps his mind open. He's like, "What can I do with this?" rather than just "bang, bang, bang." It's like, "No, well, this would be cute, and then that would be cute." And then he turns and looks at the camera and goes, "That's a highlight."

Can you keep control of your brain in the midst of a firefight? (Watch Clip)

Thursday, August 29, 2024

2024 PPA Utah Open: One Of The Best Matches Of The Year


Men’s Doubles Semi Finals
(5) Hayden Patriqiun/Pablo Tellez vs (8) Andrei Daescu/Gabriel Tardio

What are your highlight points?

  • Tardio’s counters are insane at 10:30ish
  • 6:47
  • 21:09 tellez did foot fault on the overhead smash to get the lob!
  • SNS Recap: Hayden Patriqiun/Pablo Tellez vs Andrei Daescu/Gabe Tardio - Best Match Of The Weekend 15:42
  • Matty Pickleball Recap: 5:27 Men's Doubles

Thursday, August 22, 2024

This is the BEST backhand in pickleball. Learn Anna Leigh Waters Backhand


Mastering the Perfect Backhand: Anna Leigh Waters' Technique
Learn How to Achieve Power and Precision in Your Backhand

In this instructional guide, you'll uncover the secrets behind Anna Leigh Waters' world-class backhand, a skill that has made her one of the top players in pickleball. By following the same techniques she uses, you can transform your backhand into a powerful and precise shot. This guide will walk you through the critical components of her technique, breaking down each step so you can practice and perfect your form.

1. Grip (0:13)

  • Place your index finger on the center of the paddle for better control.
  • Use the Eastern grip, ensuring the paddle face is at the correct angle.
  • Adjust and stick to your grip position for consistency.

Achieving the right grip is fundamental to maintaining control and consistency in your backhand. Anna Leigh Waters uses an Eastern grip with her index finger centered on the paddle, providing a crucial touchpoint that helps her know where the paddle is in space. This grip prevents the ball from either going into the ground or flying over the net.

2. Index Finger (0:40)

  • Keep your index finger centered on the paddle.
  • Notice the slight changes in paddle angle when adjusting the finger position.
  • Maintain a consistent finger placement to ensure paddle angle control.

The placement of the index finger on the paddle's center is not just about comfort; it significantly impacts the paddle angle, which in turn affects shot accuracy. By keeping her finger in this position, Waters maintains a steady and reliable backhand shot.

3. How to Find the Exact Grip (1:54)

  • Turn your paddle to its butt and identify the top bevel.
  • Align the inside of your index knuckle and the bottom of your palm pad with the top bevel.
  • Make slight adjustments to suit your comfort while keeping the core grip structure.

Finding the exact grip that works for you involves aligning your hand with the paddle's top bevel. This position, used by Anna Leigh Waters, helps generate power and control in every backhand shot.

4. Unit-Turn (2:50)

  • Turn your body toward the side fence as you prepare for the backhand.
  • Rotate your hips and legs to coil power for the shot.
  • Practice turning with the paddle to maintain alignment.

The unit-turn is critical for loading power into your backhand. By turning your body toward the side fence and rotating your upper body, you build the necessary energy to release into the shot.

5. Unit-Load (4:19)

  • Continue the unit-turn by loading your hips and legs.
  • Focus on coiling the energy to maximize shot power.
  • Step into the shot as you complete the load.

The unit-load is the follow-through of the unit-turn, where you fully coil your body to store power. This step is essential to unleashing a strong and effective backhand.

6. Swing Path (4:26)

  • Keep the paddle tip facing downward as you start the swing.
  • Flatten the paddle as you pull forward.
  • Focus on an outward and upward motion to generate power.

The swing path is where all the preparation comes together. Waters ensures her paddle moves from a downward angle to a flat position as she swings, finishing with an upward motion to add power and spin to the shot.

7. Head Is Still With Contact Point (4:28)

  • Keep your head still and aligned with the contact point.
  • Avoid moving your head during the swing to maintain shot accuracy.
  • Let your eyes and head stay on the ball for a few milliseconds after contact.

Maintaining a still head during the swing is a subtle yet crucial aspect of Waters' technique. By keeping her head aligned with the contact point, she ensures that her shots are consistently accurate and powerful.

Summary: By mastering these techniques, you can develop a backhand that rivals the best in the world. The key is to practice each component with attention to detail, from the grip and finger placement to the unit-turn and swing path. Consistency in these elements will lead to a more controlled, powerful, and precise backhand, just like Anna Leigh Waters.

0:00 Intro 0:13 #1 Grip 0:40 Index Finger 1:54 How To Find The Exact Grip 2:50 #2 Unit-Turn 4:19 Unit-Load 4:26 Swing Path 4:28 Head Is Still With Contact Point

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Steve Paranto: Pickleball Mechanics - Grip, Foot Placement, and Balance


Mastering Pickleball Mechanics: The Essentials for Success
A Comprehensive Guide to Grip, Foot Placement, and Balance with Steve Paranto


Pickleball, a rapidly growing sport, combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis into a game that's easy to learn yet challenging to master. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the court, understanding and mastering the fundamentals is crucial to improving your game. Steve Paranto, a respected name in the world of pickleball, emphasizes the importance of correct mechanics for players of all ages, especially seniors. This guide will delve into three critical aspects of pickleball mechanics: your grip, foot placement, and balance. By honing these skills, you'll enhance your consistency, control, and overall performance on the court. Let's explore how to refine these mechanics to elevate your pickleball game.

1) Your Grip [0:13]

Your grip is the foundation of your pickleball technique, dictating the power, control, and versatility of your shots. While the Continental grip, akin to a "shake hands" grip, has been a staple in the past, modern pickleball is evolving. More players are adopting the Eastern forehand grip, where the heel of the hand is positioned more behind the handle. This shift allows for more effective forehand volleys and backhand dinks, offering advantages in both offensive and defensive situations.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Step 1: Identify your current grip. The Continental grip is neutral, suitable for both forehands and backhands, with minimal adjustment between shots.
  • Step 2: Experiment with the Eastern forehand grip. Rotate your hand slightly, so the heel of your hand aligns more behind the handle.
  • Step 3: Practice hitting forehand volleys with the Eastern grip. Notice the increased reach and power when striking the ball further in front of your body.
  • Step 4: Try backhand dinks with this grip. Keep your elbow out and maintain a slight bow in your wrist to replicate the technique used by top players.
  • Step 5: Consider your comfort with finger positioning on the paddle. Some players choke up on the handle, similar to table tennis grips, while others prefer a finger down the paddle for greater control.
  • Step 6: Avoid extreme grips that may create specific strengths but also significant weaknesses, especially if you're unable to switch grips quickly.


The grip you choose influences every shot you take in pickleball. While the traditional Continental grip offers versatility, the Eastern forehand grip provides enhanced control and power, particularly for forehand volleys and backhand dinks. Adjusting your grip based on your playstyle and comfort can make a significant difference in your performance. However, be cautious of extreme grips, as they can lead to imbalances in your game. Experiment with different grips during practice to find what works best for you.

2) Foot Placement [8:22]

Foot placement is integral to maintaining stability and control during a game. Proper footwork not only positions you to reach the ball more effectively but also conserves energy, which is especially crucial for senior players. By adopting an athletic stance and learning efficient movement techniques, you can improve your reach and responsiveness on the court.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Step 1: Start in an athletic stance with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. This stance gives you a solid base and allows you to reach more shots with minimal movement.
  • Step 2: Practice leaning rather than stepping to reach balls that are slightly out of your immediate range. This technique saves energy and reduces the need for large, tiring movements.
  • Step 3: For wider shots, employ a controlled lunge rather than crossing your feet. Lunging keeps you balanced and ready for the next shot.
  • Step 4: When lunging, ensure your weight is fully on the lead leg, allowing you to finish the shot before recovering back to your ready position.
  • Step 5: Avoid crossing your feet whenever possible, as this can leave you vulnerable to being out of position for the next shot.


Efficient foot placement and movement are essential for staying balanced and conserving energy on the court. By maintaining a wide stance and utilizing leaning and lunging techniques, you can cover more ground with less effort. This approach is particularly beneficial for senior players who need to manage their energy levels during long matches. Avoid crossing your feet, as it can compromise your balance and positioning, making it harder to recover quickly between shots.

3) Balance [10:24]

Balance is the cornerstone of effective pickleball play, ensuring that you can execute shots with precision and recover quickly for the next. Maintaining proper balance throughout your movements allows for better shot accuracy, reduced risk of injury, and increased stamina over the course of a match.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  • Step 1: Always start with a balanced stance, with your weight evenly distributed on both feet and your knees slightly bent.
  • Step 2: Keep your paddle out in front of you, with a relaxed grip (grip tension of about 1 on a scale of 10) to allow for quick hand movements.
  • Step 3: As you prepare to hit a volley or dink, preset your paddle angle early, ensuring it’s aligned with where you want the ball to go.
  • Step 4: For each shot, firm up your grip just before contact (increasing tension to about 6-7) to add power and control.
  • Step 5: Avoid overextending or reaching too far, as this can throw off your balance. Instead, move your feet to maintain your center of gravity.
  • Step 6: After each shot, quickly return to your balanced stance, ready for the next ball.


Maintaining balance in pickleball is vital for executing shots accurately and staying in control of the rally. By focusing on a stable stance, relaxed grip, and precise paddle positioning, you can improve your shot consistency and reduce the risk of injury. Balance not only affects your current shot but also how quickly you can recover and prepare for the next, making it a key aspect of effective pickleball play.

Inclusive Guide Summary

Mastering the mechanics of pickleball is essential for players at all levels, particularly for seniors looking to maximize their performance and enjoyment of the game. By focusing on key elements such as grip, foot placement, and balance, you can build a strong foundation that enhances every aspect of your play. The grip you choose influences your control and power, so experiment with different grips to find what suits your style. Proper foot placement allows you to conserve energy while covering the court efficiently, and maintaining balance ensures you can execute shots with precision and recover quickly. By integrating these mechanics into your practice, you'll develop a more consistent, controlled, and effective game, giving you the edge against opponents of all ages.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Zane Navratil’s Third Shot Methodical Approach


Mastering the Third Shot in Pickleball: Zane Navratil’s Strategic Breakdown

A Step-by-Step Guide to Choosing the Right Third Shot Based on Court Position

In pickleball, the third shot is one of the most crucial plays, often determining the momentum of the rally. Zane Navratil, one of the sport’s top professionals, provides a comprehensive guide on how to select the most effective third shot based on court position and ball height. This guide will walk you through his strategies, offering actionable insights that can elevate your game, regardless of your skill level.

1. Understanding Court Position and Ball Height (0:02)

  • Court Depths: Short, Medium, Deep
  • Ball Heights: Low, Medium, High
  • Nine different scenarios to consider for the third shot

Zane divides the court into three depths (short, medium, deep) and the ball's trajectory into three heights (low, medium, high). Each combination demands a unique approach to selecting the third shot, setting the foundation for the strategy.

2. Short and Low Ball Strategy (1:35)

  • Options: Drop Shot or Hybrid Shot
  • When to use each shot based on opponent position

For short and low balls, a drop shot or Zane’s hybrid shot is ideal, especially if the opponent is caught in the transition zone. If the opponent is already at the net, a simple drop shot is recommended to reset the point.

3. Short and High Ball Strategy (3:46)

  • Option: Drive the Ball
  • Focus on applying pressure to the opponent

A short and high ball is a prime opportunity to drive the ball and put the opponent on the defensive. Navratil advises aiming the drive at the opponent directly in front of you, capitalizing on their vulnerable position.

4. Medium Depth and Low Ball Strategy (4:10)

  • Options: Hybrid Shot or Controlled Drive
  • Decision based on opponent's position at the net

With a medium depth, low ball, Navratil suggests a controlled drive if the opponent is at the net, or a hybrid shot if they are still moving forward. The goal is to maintain a strategic advantage and set up for the next shot.

5. Medium Depth and Medium Height Strategy (5:01)

  • Options: Aggressive Drive or Drop Shot
  • Choice depends on personal play style

Players can choose between an aggressive drive or a drop shot when the ball lands at medium depth and height. Navratil encourages players to select the option that best suits their play style, whether it’s crashing the net or playing more conservatively.

6. Deep Court and Low Ball Strategy (6:10)

  • Option: Controlled Drive
  • Neutralize opponent's advantage and prepare for the fifth shot

When positioned deep and the ball is low, Navratil advises against attempting a perfect drop shot. Instead, a controlled drive is recommended to neutralize the opponent’s advantage and gradually move forward into the point.

7. Deep Court and Medium/High Ball Strategy (7:04)

  • Option: Drive the Ball
  • Focus on maintaining position and controlling the rally

For deep court balls at medium or high height, Navratil advocates for a drive to prevent the opponent from capitalizing on their deep return. The aim is to keep the rally neutral and work towards a better court position.

Inclusive Guide Summary:

Zane Navratil’s methodical approach to the third shot in pickleball provides a structured way to enhance your game. By understanding the dynamics of court position and ball height, players can make informed decisions on whether to drop, drive, or use a hybrid shot. Navratil’s strategy, while tailored to his strengths, encourages players to adapt based on their unique abilities and the context of the game. With practice, these insights can help you dominate the court and refine your third-shot selection, leading to more consistent and effective play.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Ed Ju: The Strategy That Took Down World's #1 | Slow Motion Point Analysis


Mastering the Art of Unpredictability in Pickleball: Lessons from Gabe Tardio

Breaking Down Key Strategies in the Ben and Colin Johns vs. Federico Staksrud and Gabe Tardio Match


In the fast-evolving world of pickleball, adaptability and creativity are becoming essential traits for success. The recent Kansas City Open match featuring Ben and Colin Johns against Federico Staksrud and Gabe Tardio serves as a perfect example of this shift. This match wasn't just a display of skill but also a lesson in how evolving strategies can disrupt even the most established players. In this article, Ed Ju break down the key elements that made Gabe Tardio and Federico Staksrud’s gameplay stand out, focusing on lobs, counters, and volley dinks.

1. The Power of the Volley Dink - 1:00

  • Key Highlights:

    • Staksrud’s use of volley dinks to take time away from the Johns brothers.
    • Consistent targeting of Ben Johns’ left foot to disrupt his positioning.
    • The strategic advantage of hitting the ball out of the air.
  • Summary: Staksrud’s mastery of the volley dink was a critical factor in this match. By taking the ball out of the air, he significantly reduced the reaction time for Ben and Colin Johns, forcing them into uncomfortable positions. The tactic of consistently aiming at Ben’s left foot kept him from dominating the center of the court, a place where he’s typically unbeatable. This strategy not only disrupted their rhythm but also allowed Gabe and Staksrud to maintain control of the game, pushing the Johns brothers into a reactive state.

2. The Art of the Unexpected Lob - 7:51

  • Key Highlights:

    • Gabe’s unpredictable use of lobs to break his opponent’s rhythm.
    • The strategic decision to lob over Colin Johns’ backhand.
    • How this play set up offensive opportunities for Gabe and Staksrud.
  • Summary: One of the standout moments in the match was Gabe Tardio’s perfectly executed lob over Colin Johns’ backhand. This play was a masterclass in unpredictability, catching the Johns brothers off guard and forcing them into a defensive position. By choosing the right moment to lob, Gabe not only disrupted their rhythm but also created an opportunity for his team to go on the offensive. This tactic highlights the importance of variety in play, showing that even a well-placed lob can turn the tide of a match when used effectively.

3. Gabe Tardio’s Defensive Mastery - 10:48

  • Key Highlights:

    • Gabe’s exceptional countering ability, making him nearly unattackable.
    • His calm and calculated footwork under pressure.
    • The effectiveness of Gabe’s simple yet precise paddle positioning during counters.
  • Summary: Gabe Tardio’s defensive prowess shone through in this match. His ability to block and counter fast shots, especially from Ben Johns, is remarkable. Gabe’s technique is rooted in simplicity—he focuses on getting into the right position and creating a solid wall with his paddle, making it nearly impossible for opponents to overpower him. This defensive skill set complements Staksrud’s aggressive volleys, making them a formidable team. Gabe’s calmness under pressure and his ability to neutralize strong attacks turned potentially losing points into opportunities for his team to regain control.


This match analysis provides valuable insights into the evolving strategies in pickleball, particularly at the highest levels of play. Gabe Tardio and Federico Staksrud demonstrated that speed, creativity, and unpredictability are key to overcoming even the most dominant players. Staksrud’s volley dinks took away critical time from the Johns brothers, forcing them into less favorable positions. Gabe’s defensive skills, particularly his ability to counter powerful shots with precision and calmness, made him nearly unattackable. His unpredictable playstyle, including the use of lobs, further destabilized the Johns brothers, allowing his team to take control of the match.

This breakdown not only highlights the specific strategies used in this match but also offers broader lessons for players looking to improve their own game. By incorporating these elements—time-reducing volleys, solid defensive counters, and unpredictable shots—players can develop a more well-rounded and effective approach to pickleball, regardless of their opponent’s skill level.

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